Why do we love you, little pillows of batter and frosting?
Is it the way you sit so neatly on our napkins, crimped skirt and billowing blouse?
Or the way you require of us only three – maybe four – bites of commitment?
Perhaps it is your panache for neon sprinkles and foil linings. So brave!
We dream of being so brave, so bold, so bombshell perfect.
But probably we know the truth. You are your best self at the birthday party
of a six year-old girl named Macy. You look sugar sweet but surprise with the tang
of pink lemonade. You represent the girl who discovers she can kick up both
heels behind her at the same time and announces, “I know how to Mexican
dance now.” Like a professional. And she is.
Cupcake, we love you most because you are Macy. And we want to be her, too.
Oh, so true!!!! You captured Macy in poetry.
Love this! So fun.
If ever I wanted a cupcake, now, after reading this, would be the time. Love it!
Oh, this is wonderful!
Elsie had her fifth birthday in May, and she wanted pink lemonade cupcakes, too! What a perfect age.
Totally perfect age!
Oh that Macy. “I can Mexican dance now.” And cupcakes are heaven in a skirt – it’s so true. Favorite word in this poem: bombshell. (I love all the B’s actually! Brave! Bold! Bombshell!) The cupcake in this poem fulfilled its cupcake destiny for sure.
That’s my favorite word, too! Look at you analyzing a poem.